The complete LoveSmart learning experience is available to you on-line at your convenience. Start whenever you are ready. Learn in privacy while experiencing being part of a caring community. The help of a certified coach is there for you when you need it.
LoveSmartMe equips you with a set of tools that empower you to increase your mental self-mastery and personal effectiveness in all aspects of your life.
LoveSmartMe teaches the skills of self-love:
1. I Commit Wholeheartedly
2. I Know and Love Myself
3. I Cultivate Compassion
4. I Enjoy Myself
.............................. $299.00 (plus tax)
LoveSmartUs empowers you with a set of skills you use every day to cultivate happiness through all of your friendships.
LoveSmartUs teaches these skills of friendship:
5. We Practice Positivity
6. We Learn To Be Our Best
7. We Enlighten Our Shadow Selves
8. We Choose Loving Mindsets
.............................. $299.00 (plus tax)
LoveSmartLife empowers you with a set of skills you use every day to cultivate success and happiness in the life you co-create in loving partnership.
LoveSmartLife teaches the skills of co-creation:
9. We Co-create Our Future
10. We Set and Achieve Goals
11. We Share Responsibility
12. We Practice Forgiveness
.............................. $299.00 (plus tax)