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How to Make Your Life LoveSmart

LoveSmart empowers you with the tools and teaching
you need to master the
 12 skills essential for success and happiness in all of your relationships,
especially in your love-life.

“We all want better relationships.
LoveSmart teaches people the skills they need to be happier and more successful in all their relationships, and especially in their love life.”


- David Church
Founder, LoveSmart


Everyone wants to find happiness within, and love with their special someone. The key to success in love is mastery of those skills that nurture love in yourself, in every relationship, and especially in your love-life.  


LoveSmart teaches you the skills you need to live and love wisely and wholeheartedly, every day. Now you can learn how to enjoy more happiness and success, in life and love, in just 30 days.  Learn at home, on-line, supported with world-class resources. Access the support of a personal coach, when you need it, in complete confidence.


LoveSmart Skills empowers you to elevate your love-life by mastering the 12 relationship skills foundational to happiness and success. Each week, you practice a new skill. As you do, you become more self-aware and expand your mastery of the skills of love. 


Begin when you are ready. Do it from your place, at your own pace. Start solo, or with a friend, or join a group. Just say yes!

Appreciate who YOU are....

Start with a whole new way of appreciating the unique person that you are. Answer a set of simple questions online in the privacy of your home and you will immediately be rewarded with an insightful 30-page profile of your personal preferences. This profile reveals how you prefer to behave in daily life, and in your relationships.


 This profile becomes your passport through the 12 lessons of LoveSmart. Sharing your profile with a partner (or potential partner) will quickly generate profound insights into how you tend to relate. You get an immediate picture of each other's patterns of thinking and feeling - a great place to start!


LoveSmart equips you with a powerful suite of human development tools developed by OneSmartWorld. 

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Practice these 12 skills to create happy, successful relationships!

LoveSmartMe teaches the skills of self-love:


1. I Commit Wholeheartedly

2. I Know and Love Myself 

3. I Cultivate Compassion 

4. I Enjoy Myself


LoveSmartUs teaches the skills of friendship:


5. We Practice Positivity

6. We Learn To Be Our Best

7. We Enlighten Our Shadow Selves

8. We Choose Loving Mindsets


LoveSmartLife teaches the skills of co-creation:


9. We Co-create Our Future 

10. We Set and Achieve Goals

11. We Share Responsibility 

12. We Practice Forgiveness

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